Build a Custom NFT Smart Contract | OpenZeppelin ERC721 Tutorial

Build NFT smart contract

Learn how to use a token template to customize your own NFT! Build a Non-Fungible Token in your smart contract blockchain project. Use OpenZeppelin, the most popular library for secure blockchain applications! In this project, we use Truffle 2021 and Solidity to build a decentralized web app (dapp). Find the source code on Github ● […]

Update Python Version in Google Colab

Change Python Version in Colaboratory !sudo apt-get update -y !sudo apt-get install python3.11 !sudo update-alternatives –install /usr/bin/python3 python3 /usr/bin/python3.7 1 !sudo update-alternatives –install /usr/bin/python3 python3 /usr/bin/python3.11 2 !python –version If using pip, you will also need to update to pip3: !sudo apt-get install python3-pip Do you want learn to code? Enroll in this FREE Python […]

Excel Sheet Manipulation with Python

Excel Sheet Manipulation with Python Do you want learn to code? Enroll in this FREE Python and Data Science course that’s available for a limited time. Star earning your way to a coding career today

Read Excel file with Python

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Load Web3 and Smart Contract in JavaScript Frontend

Load Web3 and Smart Contract in JavaScript Frontend Load Web3 and social media smart contract in JavaScript frontend! Do you want learn to code? Enroll in this FREE Python and Data Science course that’s available for a limited time. Star earning your way to a coding career today

Build Social Media Smart Contract in Solidity 0.8.13

Build Social Media Smart Contract in Solidity 0.8.13 Build social media smart contract in Solidity 0.8.13 and Truffle 2022. Do you want learn to code? Enroll in this FREE Python and Data Science course that’s available for a limited time. Star earning your way to a coding career today

Query Crypto Ethereum Public Dataset in Python Big Query

Query Crypto Ethereum Public Dataset in Python Big Query Query tables in crypto ethereum Big Query public dataset on Colab Do you want learn to code? Enroll in this FREE Python and Data Science course that’s available for a limited time. Star earning your way to a coding career today

Build Google Cloud Platform Project

Build Google Cloud Platform Project Build a project on Google Cloud Platform for BigQuery! Do you want learn to code? Enroll in this FREE Python and Data Science course that’s available for a limited time. Star earning your way to a coding career today

Build a Crypto Stock Portfolio with Python in Colab

Build a Crypto Stock Portfolio with Python in Colab Do you want learn to code? Enroll in this FREE Python and Data Science course that’s available for a limited time. Star earning your way to a coding career today

Load Data for Crypto Price with Python Pandas

Load Data for Crypto Price with Python Pandas Load data for crypto price autocorrelation with Pandas Do you want learn to code? Enroll in this FREE Python and Data Science course that’s available for a limited time. Star earning your way to a coding career today