Truffle Contract Not Deployed Error – Solution

Truffle Contract Not Deployed Error – Fixed

by Alexandra Kropova from Mammoth Interactive

Trying to Use a Solidity Smart Contract?

Getting the error message “ContractName has not been deployed to detected network (network/artifact mismatch)” ?

Read the solution below!

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Your solution:

You must deploy the contract named in the error message. If you already deployed the contract, re-deploy.

To deploy the smart contracts to the Ethereum blockchain, you must first write migrations. In the “migrations” folder of your Truffle project, build a new file “2_deploy_contracts.js”. Truffle migrations enable us to “push” the smart contracts to the blockchain.

const ContractName = artifacts.require("ContractName");

module.exports = function(deployer) {

To run the migration script, use the command “npx truffle migrate” in your Terminal/Command Prompt application.

Still not working?

  • Make sure a “build” folder has been created and updated when the contract is compiled.
  • Make sure you use the contract class name, not the file name.

Suggest more solutions or ask a question in the comments below.

Want to learn more? Enroll in Beginners Solidity for Ethereum Blockchain Masterclass - Build Smart Contracts. Free in the Mammoth Unlimited Membership. Get 200+ courses and 2,000 hours at a dirt-cheap price.
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