Activating Virtual Reality | Unity Tutorial

The first step to making a virtual reality (VR) game is activating VR Mode. In this tutorial, you will learn how to integrate a VR software development kit (SDK). If you are a beginner and want to learn how to build virtual reality games, check out our Unity3D course! What is VR Mode? Create a new Unity project named […]

If Blocks in C# | Unity Tutorial

Suppose we wanted to run code only when a certain condition is met. For instance, a player could only fly in a game if they had a jet pack. A player could only buy a bicycle if they had enough money. To implement this kind of functionality, we can use if blocks. If you are a […]

Changing Properties LIVE | Unity Tutorial

One of the uses of methods is changing the properties of an object live as your game runs. If you are a beginner and want to learn how to build virtual reality games, check out our Unity 3D course! Suppose you want to change the size of the cube while the game is running. You can use […]

Methods in C# | Unity Tutorial

Games are all about action. To give your game objects custom behavior, you can use methods. If you are a beginner and want to learn how to build virtual reality games, check out our Unity3D course! A method in a script performs an operation or function. In this tutorial, we will continue with the example in our […]

Variables in C# | Unity Tutorial

Variables: the building blocks of code. When building a game in Unity, you often need to store information, such as a player’s age or the current time. Variables are perfect for storing data. If you are a beginner and want to learn how to build virtual reality games, check out our Unity3D course!  In this tutorial, […]

Creating a C# Script | Unity Tutorial

Do you want to customize the behavior and appearance of your game objects? You can use script to do just that. This tutorial will be the first of a series in which you will learn how to code a C# script for Unity. If you are a beginner and want to learn how to build virtual […]

Introduction to Functions: C++ Crash Course (Free Tutorial)

Ready to learn some C++? Welcome to our introductory article on functions, the parts of code that carry out tasks. If you are a beginner and want to learn to code for FREE, check out our 30-minute beginners course here: Functions consist of three main parts: return type: any type of variable that the function is returning, […]

Introduction to Arrays: C++ Crash Course (Free Tutorial)

Do you have a busy to-do list? Get ready to check one thing off: learning about lists in C++! If you are a beginner and want to learn how to code, check out our FREE 30-minute introduction course here: Arrays are lists of objects. For instance, there are integer arrays, which will give you lists of integers. […]

Introduction to Integers: C++ Crash Course (Free Tutorial)

Ready to learn one of the most important concepts in C++? No matter what coding language you’re using, integers are one of the most common ways to represent a number. As you an imagine, this is extremely important. By mastering the basics, you will have a firm footing to continue your studies in C++. If you […]

Introduction to Floats and Doubles: C++ Crash Course (Free Tutorial)

Have you ever needed to represent numbers with extreme precision in C++? Well, this is the article for you! In this tutorial, you will learn all about floats and doubles, which add decimal places onto the ends of integers. Thus, you can be more precise when trying to represent numbers. If you are a beginner and […]