Get Current Hour in Military Time with SwiftUI | Hacking Swift 5.5, Xcode 13, and iOS 15

Display the Hour with Swift

by Alexandra Kropova from Mammoth Interactive
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To get the current hour, use the following Swift 5.5 code:
func createFormatter() -> String {
    let components = Calendar.current.dateComponents([.hour], from: Date())
    let hour = components.hour ?? 0
    return String(hour)

Understanding this function:

The function name is createFormatter. The function takes in no parameters (arguments). The Date object is instantiated with Date() to get the current date AND time. The Calendar object from SwiftUI is used to get the hour component of the current date. The dateComponents() function returns a list of components, in this case 1 item in the list (the hour component). The hour constant can be created by accessing a property of components. The hour property is optional, meaning it may or may not have a value. Therefore, we must give it a default value if no value is able to be fetched. The default value we’ve used is 0. The function returns the hour (an optional Integer) converted to a String. Suggest more solutions or ask a question in the comments below.
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