Upload NFTs to Solana Blockchain with Metaplex Candy
Upload NFT assets to Metaplex Candy Machine.
Full Solana playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NnogIXtt0Tg&list=PLw-9a9yL-pt0DOLFuk8wLU8Gd7p7pH7QH
FULL eDegrees available with: Yearly Unlimited Membership https://tinyurl.com/lifetimecourses
Tools: ● solana 1.9.12 ● tsc 4.6.2 ● ts-node 10.7.0 ● node 16.13.0 ● npm 8.3.1
Candy Machine operates on the Solana blockchain.
* need a wallet with funds to create and deploy a Candy Machine
* create and use a wallet using the Solana Tool Suite
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