Hardhat Blockchain Tutorial Series for Beginners

Blockchain Hardhat Online Course for Beginners

by Alexandra Kropova from Mammoth Interactive

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What is Hardhat | Ethereum Truffle Replacement


Must-know if you’ve been using Truffle. Introduction to Hardhat for NFT and dApp development with Solidity smart contracts. Learn about Hardhat Network and more!

About Hardhat: -development environment to compile, deploy, test, and debug your Ethereum software -helps developers manage and automate the recurring tasks that are inherent to the process of building smart contracts and dApps

Features -Run Solidity locally -local Ethereum network designed for development -Debugging-first -Fast iteration -TypeScript support – typed language -Preferred in community over Truffle -Can migrate projects from Truffle -designed as a library -stack trace -multiple Solidity compiler versions -robust Mainnet forking -contract verification in Etherescan -interactive JavaScript console

Read more about Hardhat

How to Install Hardhat | NFT Tutorial


Build a new project with Hardhat, Truffle’s replacement for decentralized app development for the Ethereum blockchain with Solidity smart contracts.

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Read more about Installing


NFT with Hardhat | OpenZeppelin ERC721 Tutorial


Learn how to use a token template to customize your own NFT! Build a Non-Fungible Token in your smart contract blockchain project. Use OpenZeppelin, the most popular library for secure blockchain applications!

Tools: “@nomiclabs/hardhat-ethers”: “^2.0.3”, “@nomiclabs/hardhat-waffle”: “^2.0.1”, “@openzeppelin/contracts”: “^4.4.0”, “chai”: “^4.3.4”, “ethereum-waffle”: “^3.4.0”, “ethers”: “^5.5.2”, “hardhat”: “^2.7.1” solidity: “0.8.10”

Test NFT Contract with Hardhat, Waffle and Ether


Learn how to test a smart contract with ethers.js, Waffle and Hardhat. Ethers.js is a JavaScript library to interact with Ethereum. Waffle is a simple smart contract testing library built on top of Ethers. Better than Truffle.

Build a Non-Fungible Token in your smart contract blockchain project. Use OpenZeppelin, the most popular library for secure blockchain applications!

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NFT Console Log in Solidity with Hardhat

Debug and test your smart contract easier with logging. Build a Non-Fungible Token in your smart contract blockchain project. Use OpenZeppelin, the most popular library for secure blockchain applications!

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In this series, we covered:

● openzeppelin ● openzeppelin erc721 tutorial ● openzeppelin tutorial ● openzeppelin nft ● openzeppelin contracts ● openzeppelin upgradeable contracts ● create erc721 token openzeppelin ● how to use openzeppelin ● solidity openzeppelin ● nft openzeppelin ● how to install openzeppelin ● ownable openzeppelin ● hard hat tutorial ● hardhat tutorial ethereum ● hardhat dapp tutorial ● hardhat decentralized tutorial ● hardhat decentralized app ● learn hardhat ● hardhat solidity ● hardhat web app ● hardhat smart contracts

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